by Cameron Showalter, Scoutmaster

Camp Baldwin was a hit with the scouts this year. Everyone scored the camp over 9 out of 10 during our reflections. Highlights of the camp were horsemanship, rock climbing and the scouts cooking nearly all the meals.

It was hot, not as hot as we were expecting, and the bugs were not nearly as bad as expected either. Yet, we all came home with some mosquito bites and/or mild sunburns. Luckily, we remembered to hydrate and not ‘die-drate’ and there were no heat-related casualties the entire week.

In reflecting on the week, the scouts did an amazing job cooking all our meals at the campsite. The patrol leaders did a wonderful job working on advancement with younger scouts and many of them stepped out of their comfort zone and learned new skills. The troop also earned the Honor Troop ribbon for the activities they were able to achieve during the week.

Patches from Camp Baldwin

Of the 17 scouts who attended, there were 41 merit badges completed, ranging from Horsemanship, Lifesaving, Astronomy, Rifle and Wilderness survival, which required them to spend a night in a shelter they built themselves. One of our first-year scouts even earned the top shooting score for the week.

In addition to merit badges, 7 scouts earned their next rank and two even advanced twice (tenderfoot and 2nd class). Two scouts completed all requirements except a ‘cyber chip’ which is done at home with their parents and that will get them their Scout rank, and one scout completed all the merit badges and all other requirements except a Board of Review to become a Life Scout.

Camp Baldwin for me, was the last of our normal 5 camp rotation. In no particular order - Camp Parsons, Merriwether, Easton, Grizzly and Baldwin. For 2024, I have decided to mix it up a bit and remove Grizzly from the rotation. Primarily because they reportedly no longer will have their ATV program. But also, because I have heard amazing things about a camp in Montana that is on an island on Flat Head Lake. We shared the news on Saturday during reflections, that we are going to Camp Melita Island next July 28th to August 3rd.